OBITUARY: Angela Ashley Hall Caissie


Angela Ashley Hall Caissie, age 67, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, passed away on Friday, March 17, 2023.

She was a native of Monroeville, Alabama and was preceded in death by her son, Brian Lee Caissie, and her parents, Kenton Ashley Hall and Carole Booker Hall.

Angela studied nursing at Middle Tennessee State University and spent many years working as a Licensed Practical Nurse in the nursery at Middle Tennessee Medical Center. She was also a graduate of Tennessee State University with a degree in Dental Hygiene. She loved to travel, was an avid reader, and adored her dog, Sophia.

Angela is survived by her daughter, Kelly Caissie, and husband, Greg Schamberg, as well as a host of other family and friends.

Graveside service will be 9:00 A.M. Saturday, April 1st at Evergreen Cemetery.


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