From MTSU Police Department
MTSU ADVISORY – SEXUAL ASSAULT: On October 22, 2018, a female student reported to Murfreesboro Police that she was raped while inside of a vehicle parked outside of the Kappa Sigma fraternity house located off campus on Maple Street.
As Murfreesboro Police continues to investigate this incident, students are reminded that Counseling Services and The Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance are available to provide assistance and support to victims of sexual assault here.
The university is issuing this advisory in accordance to the Clery Act and to remind students of the following educational information about sexual assault. This information is general in nature and has no relation to this specific incident.
It is most common for sexual assaults to involve someone the victim knows, typically a date or acquaintance, rather than a stranger. To minimize your risk of being sexually assaulted by someone you know, it is critical to keep the following points in mind:
— Always trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy or sense something is wrong, do what you can to get out of that situation.
— If you engage in sex, be sure you understand your partner’s limits, and communicate your own limits clearly. Don’t engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner.
— Have a companion or a safe means of getting home, i.e., a trusted friend, taxi. University Police is available to provide safety escorts on campus 24 hours a day. Call 615-898-2424.
— Alcohol and drugs are sometimes used to create vulnerability to sexual assault and may impair yours and your acquaintance’s judgment. Studies of sexual assault incidents show a high correlation between acquaintance rape and drug/alcohol usage. Keep control of your drink.
— If you are sexually assaulted, you have several options; please see related information at this website: http://www.mtsu.edu/sexual-violence/index.php. If you choose a police investigation of this crime, we will investigate, provide support, and offer related services.
University Police offers self-defense courses and other safety programming throughout the academic year. University Police encourages students to walk in groups when possible and to report crimes immediately by calling 911 or 615-898-2424. Always use your best judgment and avoid situations or circumstances that may increase any risk to your personal safety.
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