The Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) supports professionals in health promotion, physical education, and recreation by providing members with support, advocacy, grants, professional development, and collaboration opportunities. This month, Murfreesboro will host professionals from across the state for the 2021 TAHPERD Annual Convention. See below for more information on events and activities, including a FREE vaccination clinic to which the public is invited.
WHEN: Now through Sunday, October 24th
WHERE: Anywhere!
WHAT: Run, jog, or walk in the 2021 TAHPERD Virtual Run/Walk 5K benefitting Tennessee students and teachers through program grants and professional development! Lace up your shoes to improve your health as well as the health of Tennessee students. Register online or by mail. Visit tahperd.us/tahperd-virtual-5k-2021 for more information.
WHEN: Sunday, October 24th – Tuesday, October 26th
WHERE: Embassy Suites Murfreesboro | 1200 Conference Center Blvd
WHAT: After shifting to a virtual convention in 2020, TAHPERD will host physical education teachers and professionals from across Tennessee in-person in Murfreesboro at their 2021 Annual Convention, themed “Re-emerge Stronger: We Will Go Forward Together.” Find more information and register online at tahperd.us/convention
WHEN: Monday, October 25th | 10am – 2pm
WHERE: Embassy Suites Murfreesboro | 1200 Conference Center Blvd
WHAT: The public is invited to join us for a FREE COVID-19 vaccination clinic. Medical professionals from TAHPERD will be on hand to answer any question regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and provide FREE vaccinations. See the attached flyer for more information.
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