Murfreesboro City Budget 2017: Safe and Livable Neighborhoods


The City of Murfreesboro has released it’s proposed budget for 2017-2018. There will be reviews held  4:00 p.m., Thurs., May 25 and June 1; 5:15 p.m.,Tues., June 6, and 4:00 p.m. Thurs., June 8, in the Council Chambers at City Hall for the purpose of reviewing the proposed FY 2017-2018 Budget.

City Council will conduct a Public Hearing, June 8, 2017, at 7 p.m. to consider first reading of the FY 2017-18 Budget ordinance.  Second reading will be considered on June 15.  A copy of the Proposed FY 2017-18 Budget is available on the City’s website at

We will take the next few days to break down what we consider key points of the proposed budget.According to the plan, safe and livable neighborhoods are the #1 priority going into the fiscal year.

Major Upgrades To Fire and PD Are Keys To #1 Priority

The City’s first goal remains safe and livable neighborhoods. The Police Department continues to be the  City’s largest operating department. The proposed Police Department budget includes funding for 4 new  police officer positions and moving from a 37.5 hour to 40‐hour workweek. This workweek change is the  equivalent of 11 new officers. These two changes in combination will add resources to the Police  Department to keep our community safe.

Also,  the budget recommends  relocating Station 4 to Medical Center Parkway, where the City’s new 100‐foot aerial device is better  positioned to serve the taller buildings found in the Gateway and Downtown.

New Parks , Better Streets Make For Better Livability

Land for a new park in West Murfreesboro was recently purchased. The Adams Tennis Center has been a true success and has covered 100 percent of  its expenses in FY16, while attaining 84 percent of its expenses with revenue during the first nine  months of operation in FY17. Parks and Recreation will also begin a master planning process for all  recreation needs, celebrate the Miracle Field, open a new soccer facility at the Jordan Farm and begin  the long awaited 2‐mile extension of the greenway system from Highway 99 near World Outreach to  Barfield‐Crescent Park.

Phase 4 Construction of Greenway Approved

The Street Department continues to advance the levels of service supported by Council in the areas of  storm drainage, litter removal and now, new innovations in pothole repairs. ROVER celebrates 10 years and the Urban Environmental committee is working hard to keep keep the city beautiful.

Crime Rate In MTSU Area Biggest Hurdle To Climb In First Priority

The City and MTSU are working hard to come up with solutions to bring down the recent crime spree in the campus area. Holding landlords accountable and upping patrols and a recent uptick in arrests of parole violators, seems to be working and a step in the right direction.

MTSU Working With City To Deter Crime Spree

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