MTSU True Blue Tour Visits Nashville Oct. 4


Middle Tennessee State University kicked off its 2018 True Blue Tour to recruit prospective students in August with a rousing start at its Murfreesboro campus for the first time — and now Nashville will be the fourth stop on the 14-city schedule.

MTSU recruiters, admissions staff, administrators and other team members will visit Nashville Thursday, Oct. 4, to meet students and their families for a 6 to 8 p.m. reception at the Millennium Maxwell House, 2025 Rosa Parks Blvd., in Nashville.

Earlier that day, MTSU invites area counselors and community college staff for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the same venue. The True Blue Tour events are free. To register for the reception or counselor luncheon, visit

MTSU’s True Blue Tour travels from Memphis to Johnson City in Tennessee and to Louisville and Bowling Green in Kentucky, Birmingham and Huntsville in Alabama and to Atlanta, Georgia, to meet prospective students for 2019 and beyond.

Public, private school and homeschool students from Davidson and surrounding counties are invited to attend.

“Our key annual recruiting event, the True Blue Tour, gets bigger and better each year, and we’re looking forward to meeting prospective students,” MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee said.

Top university administrators, deans from all the academic colleges, advisers and admissions and financial aid staff will join McPhee in Nashville.

That week, MTSU also will visit Franklin and Williamson County for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon for counselors and community college staff and 6 p.m. student reception Tuesday, Oct. 2, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, 700 Cool Springs Blvd.

“The end result is a wonderful opportunity for prospective students and their parents to hear firsthand from MTSU representatives, as well as get important information about admission and financial aid,” McPhee said. “This is a prime opportunity to explain the unique educational experience MTSU offers.”

Registered students have opportunities to win a certificate for an iPad, scholarships, Phillips Bookstore gift cards and other prizes at True Blue Tour events.

To take a closer look at campus life, MTSU offers two more Saturday fall preview days — Oct. 6 and Nov. 3 starting at 8 a.m. in the Student Union — plus daily campus tours at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. that begin in the Student Services and Admissions Center. Also, there’s a Saturday campus tour at 10 a.m. Oct. 20. Schedule a tour at

For more information about admissions, email [email protected] or call 615-898-2233. For information about tours and events, email[email protected] or call 615-898-5670.

Prospective students need to submit their application for admission and accompanying documents by Dec. 1 to meet the guaranteed scholarship deadline. To apply, visit

To learn about MTSU’s more than 300 programs, including fermentation sciencemedia studies and early childhood education, visit

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