MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 11:15 a.m. This will be a brief, routine test of the system, and no safety actions will be required.
If harsh weather is in the area around the time of the scheduled testing, the test will be canceled.
The university notifies the campus and surrounding neighborhoods before these monthly tests. Tests are conducted on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays to minimize distractions for classes and community neighbors.
The campus community can prepare for emergency weather situations anytime by checking MTSU’s list of recommended shelter locations at http://tinyurl.com/MTSUTornadoShelters. You also can make note of the siren-testing schedule by visiting http://mtsunews.com/tornado-siren-testing. Bookmark both sites!
MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them: “I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime, visit www.MTSUNews.com.
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