Mayor Waldron Cuts Ribbon At Empyrean


Mayor Dennis Waldron joined officials with Empyrean Benefit Solutions to cut the ribbon on a new customer service center in La Vergne. The center will complement Empyrean”s existing center in Houston, Texas. La Vergne was selected for this expansion because of its world class infrastructure and communications, strength in medicine and education, and attractive culture and lifestyle. Investing $2.9 million in the new operation, Empyrean is creating 120 jobs in Rutherford County. “Our Nashville-area center allows us to achieve several goals,” said Richard Wolfe, Empyrean”s co-founder and CEO.

Empyrean Benefit Solutions is one of the fastest-growing providers of technology and services for managing employee health benefits programs. Empyrean provides enrollment, eligibility management, ACA reporting and other plan administration services to employers, insurance brokers, and healthcare exchanges.

“TVA and Middle Tennessee EMC congratulate Empyrean Benefit Solutions on its decision to locate in Rutherford County,” said TVA Senior Vice President of Economic Development, John Bradley. “Attracting quality jobs and investments in our region is a fundamental part of TVA”s mission of service. We are proud to partner with the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce, Rutherford County, and the City of La Vergne to further that mission and help facilitate Empyrean Benefit Solutions” new location decision,” said Wolfe.

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