Eleven graduating high school students across the region received scholarships after winning an essay contest from Better Business Bureau (BBB) of Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky’s Integrity Foundation. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee and Asurion sponsor the Students of Integrity Scholarship, which students can use at any University or trade school of their choice.
Each applicant submitted an essay that challenged them to explore an ethical conflict they experienced and examine how they navigated their crisis to make a moral decision.
A panel of judges picked the winning essays from over 50 applications. The 2021 Students of Integrity scholarship winners are:
Christian Wilson, Macon County High School,
Abigayle Hinton, Logan County High School
Averie Turner, Hopkinsville
Haylee Ferguson, Eagleville High School
Seth Countess, Cascade High School
Dylan Guardo, Fairview High School
Jackson Hoppe, Brentwood Academy
Aisha Sajo, Lead Southeast High School
Natalie Smith, Donelson Christian Academy
Matthew George, Lincoln County High School
Malachi Whaley, Forrest School
About BBB of Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky
For more than 100 years, Better Business Bureau has been helping people find businesses, brands and charities they can trust. BBB provides objective advice, BBB Business Profiles on more than 5.3 million companies, 11,000 charity reviews, dispute resolution services, alerts and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. Visit bbb.org for more information. There are local, independent BBBs across the United States, Canada and Mexico, including BBB Serving Middle TN and Southern KY, which was founded in 1961 and serves 45 counties in Middle TN and Southern KY. Visit bbb.org for more information.
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