It’s Time to ‘Spring Forward’ For Daylight Saving Time


It’s time to “spring forward” for daylight saving time. Technically, it begins on Sunday, March 13 at 2am.

On Sunday, March 13, sunrise will be at 7:00am and sunset at 6:52pm.

How Daylight Saving Time Came to Be

An Englishman by the name William Willet led the first campaign to implement daylight saving time.

While on an early-morning horseback ride around the desolate outskirts of London in 1905, Willett had an epiphany that the United Kingdom should move its clocks forward by 80 minutes between April and October so that more people could enjoy the plentiful sunlight. The Englishman published the 1907 brochure “The Waste of Daylight” and spent much of his personal fortune evangelizing with missionary zeal for the adoption of “summer time.” Year after year, however, the British Parliament stymied the measure, and Willett died in 1915 at age 58 without ever seeing his idea come to fruition.

And yes, despite most people calling it “daylight savings time;” it’s technically called “daylight saving time” (singular not plural) because the word “saving” acts as part of an adjective rather than a verb. (Source)

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