How Will Inclement Weather Affect Your Local Fireworks Show?


Fourth of July celebrations are taking place across Middle Tennessee all weekend long, with many ending their events with a spectacular fireworks displays.

And while you can always count on amazing fireworks displays, you can’t always count on the weather holding out. With a probable chance of rain on Monday which could change, we reached out to area cities asking what would happen if the weather became too inclement for fireworks. We heard back from many event organizers, which we’ve published below.

If local fireworks shows get postponed or canceled due to weather, we will publish a list of affected events, so keep checking our site for new information.

Still looking for a fireworks show? Check out our list here.

Let Freedom Sing! -Visit Music CityNashville, TN
Let Freedom Sing! is a rain or shine event. In the event of lightning and severe weather, the concert schedule and fireworks can be adjusted. Visit Music City would communicate with attendees with announcements from the stage, as well as through its website (, and social media.

City of Fairview
The event continues rain or shine. If a thunderstorm comes through then the event will be paused until the thunderstorm passes. Find updates the City Facebook.

City of Franklin
The City will post updates across all their social media and on their website.

City of Gallatin
The City shared, “as in years past, this event will be held rain or shine….”

City of Columbia
City of Columbia shared the event could be delayed in the case of rain but they will typically still be held on the 4th of July. In case of a storm, they would be delayed until the following day. Follow City of Columbia here for updates.

City of Goodlettsville
The City shared, “If inclement weather does arise and we aren’t able to have the fireworks display, the best place to check for updates would be the Goodlettsville Parks and Recreation Facebook page.

Red, White, and Boom, Brentwood
The City of Brentwood will communicate any changes to the July 4th event via the City’s social media outlets and the website. If the events has to rescheduled, they will move it to Tuesday July 5th.

Town of Nolensville, Star Spangled Celebration
Communication regarding if the Star Spangled Celebration event will be cancelled due to inclement weather will be posted to the Town’s social media pages and to the Town website with no rain date. However, the fireworks show is rain or shine.

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