Halloween by the Numbers 2022

photo from WalletHub

It’s a spooky time of year. And whether you plan to visit a haunted house, dress up for a party or hand out candy, WalletHub has released all of the best Halloween numbers.

Fun fact: The next year for a full moon on Halloween is 2039.

See the full report here. 

Here are 10 Facts for Halloween 2022.

  1. $10.6 Billion is projected Halloween spending in 2022.
  2. $3.6 Billion is projected to spend on costumes.
  3. $3.1 Billion is projected to be spent on buying candy.
  4. 34 percent of parents think 13 or 14 is old enough to trick or treat alone.
  5. 67 percent of Americans plan to hand out candy to trick or treaters.
  6. 86 percent of parents admit to stealing candy from their kids.
  7. $5.82 is the average spent on a pumpkin to carve.
  8. $300 Million is annual ticket revenue from tickets sales to haunted houses.
  9. $11 Million is spent on direct property damage caused by Halloween house fires.
  10. 72 percent of people say they would consider purchasing a Haunted House.

See which candy WalletHub says is the most popular.

photo from WalletHub

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