Glove Allergies


From Empire Managed Solutions

Disposable gloves are convenient, functional, and offer protection for their wearers, but allergies are still an active concern. Whether it’s latex related or otherwise, it’s important to select gloves that make sense for the use case, but also select ones that mitigate the risk of an allergic reaction. Some have been known to cause allergies and it’s important to keep in mind what causes allergies or sensitivities, and what other glove options are available. Empire Managed Solutions provides gloves in a variety of materials, styles, and sizes to suit any need, including those who may suffer from sensitivities or allergies to certain glove materials.

Powder Allergies

The FDA banned the use of powdered medical gloves because of glove powder sensitivities and allergies in patients.

In all fairness, powder allergies exist more in relation to latex gloves and are not seen as an allergy or sensitivity concern with other types of gloves such as nitrile.

Cornstarch, which is used in powdered gloves to allow for easy putting on and removal of the gloves, may come in contact with latex proteins from latex gloves. If this powder becomes airborne after removal, there’s the chance of an allergy-sensitive individual having a reaction to the airborne powder.

The best solution is to use powder-free gloves which go through a chlorination process, where the majority of powders and latex proteins are removed.

Latex Allergies

Latex allergies are caused by proteins from the natural rubber latex that latex gloves are made from. Exposure to proteins may be due to the powder from powdered latex gloves coming in contact with users or those using a pair of latex gloves.

Symptoms of latex allergy may include sneezing, coughing, hives, watery or irritated eyes, or nausea. In extreme circumstances, severe allergic reactions can take place.

There are a variety of latex-free nitrile and vinyl glove options available for those with latex allergies, and powder-free gloves are recommended as they will help reduce the user’s contact with latex proteins from glove powders.

Other Glove Allergies

The use of accelerators or a variety of chemicals during the manufacture of nitrile gloves is believed to cause some reactions among users. Some nitrile gloves are accelerator free to act as an option for those with sensitivity to accelerators. Be sure to double-check the box for any warning signs that accelerators are used in the manufacturing process.

Skin irritation or leakage can also cause discomfort or reactions when gloves are not designed to be breathable. This can allow moisture build-up which can irritate the skin. It’s important to keep an eye on gloves to ensure they have not ripped or torn while in use to prevent harmful chemicals or substances from coming in contact with bare skin and causing reactions.

When In Doubt Go Powder-free

Using powder-free gloves is a great solution if allergic reactions are imminent. If you’re experiencing serious health difficulties after using gloves, seeking medical care is strongly recommended. When in doubt, ask questions about the types of gloves you use to find out how to prevent sensitivities or allergies, or what could cause irritation or discomfort during use.

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