The City of Murfreesboro and Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue Department are proud to announce the long-awaited opening of Fire Station 10 located at 2563 Veterans Parkway.
The station will be fully staffed and operational at 7:00 am on Sunday, July 31.
City Council approved the addition of 18 new Firefighters for Fiscal Year 2017 to staff the station and fill other vacancies within the department. The new Firefighters will begin orientation on July 11, and several Captain and Driver promotions will also take place before July 31.
The Veterans Parkway station was completed in 2009, but due to declining growth over the last several years and lack of potential call volume in the area, it has not been occupied. MFRD has used the building for training and equipment staging to this point. The station will now service Veterans Parkway and the entire area of the city west of Interstate 24.
“Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue has anticipated the opening of this station for many years,” said Fire Rescue Chief Mark Foulks. “We are excited to offer the citizens and visitors in that area our elite fire, rescue, and medical services.”
A Grand Opening ceremony has tentatively been scheduled for Monday, August 1 at 9:00 am. More details will be released once those plans are finalized.
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