Eagleville Teacher’s Article Published in Education Journal


Rutherford County Schools

Leslie Trail, an English instructor at Eagleville School, was recently published in the latest edition of the International Journal of the Whole Child.

Trail co-authored a five-page article titled “Finding Flexibility with HyFlex: Teaching in the Digital Age,” with Stacy Fields and Nancy Caukin. Fields and Caukin teach at Middle Tennessee State University and North Greenville University, respectively.

HyFlex refers to having a flexible approach to “classes that have a blend of online and in-person students at any given time.”

In September, Trail was featured in a video profile — Instruction is happening, it just looks different— produced by Rutherford County Schools. That video was also linked to her HyFlex article in the recently published journal.

The journal is published by the Tennessee Association for Childhood Education International.

In addition to RCS, Trail is an adjunct in the Womack Family Education Leadership Department in the College of Education at MTSU.

A 14-year veteran, Trail enjoys “learning ways to more effectively engage students in the classroom to move their learning forward.”

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