COVID-19: RCS Announces Modified Grading Plan


From Rutherford County Schools

May 1, 2020

The Rutherford County Board of Education has approved a modified grading plan in response to the COVID-19 shutdown. All schools will follow the same plan.

Below are the answers to a few commonly asked questions. The full grading plan can be found HERE.

If you have specific questions about your child and how their grade or graduation requirements will be affected, please contact your teachers or school directly.

QUESTION: Will I have a fourth-quarter grade on my report card?

Yes, your child’s fourth quarter grade will be the same as their third quarter grade on the report card, unless your child would like to improve their grade. The fourth quarter grade cannot be any lower than the third quarter report card grade.

QUESTION: How can my child improve their fourth-quarter grade?

Students, or their parents, should contact their teacher to learn how to improve their grade.

QUESTION: If I have a high school student, how will their second semester GPA be calculated?

It will be an average of their third and fourth quarter report card grade.

QUESTION: If I have a child in Kindergarten through Second Grade, what will my child’s final report card look like?

The scores will reflect your child’s progress on each standard at the time of school closure. If a standard had not been taught yet before the shutdown, you will see an entry for “NT” which means “not taught.” Those standards will be addressed next school year.

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