For the 15th year in a row Manchester, the city a hour drive from Music City, will play host to one of America’s largest and most popular music and arts festivals. Manchester, Tennessee, affectionately known as “The Farm” will play host to world famous acts such as Pearl Jam, the newly reunited LCD Soundsystem, Dead and Company, and many, many more. With thousands upon thousands sure to be in attendance here are a few “Roo Must Haves” the Source would like to first timers and Roo veterans alike,
- Water (tons) – They have water in the festival, but it smells like sulfur, and will never be cold, so bring plenty to hydrate before you go in each day.
- Tent/Tarp – Recommended if you want a place for shade, expect 90+ temp the whole weekend!
- Tent stakes – Tents have been known to blow away!
- Hammer (or, find a rock)
- Sleeping Bag
- Camera
- Sunglasses
- Dishware/Silverware (non-disposable if you are eco-friendly)
- Sunscreen
- Backpack
- Hand Sanitizer
- Ample Clothing
- Rain Gear
- A “getting lost” strategy (Meet @ Centeroo?)
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Toilet paper
Besides the Roo essential necessities the most important thing to keep in mind is the temperature which in a Tennessee summer can easily exceed 80 degrees by 8 a.m. That can spell out for some pretty tough sunrises for many campers who stay up late into the night trying then try to catch some early morning Z’s. Therefor the most important (and often neglected aspect) at Roo is SLEEP and WATER. So make sure to rest when you can and trade in a few of those 12 0z. curls for a water bottle here and there.
Expect traffic to start backing up from Manchester sometime late this afternoon as gates open tonight at 7::00 p.m.
TDOT and THP Prepare for 2016 Bonnaroo Festival
NASHVILLE – Once again, the city of Manchester, Tennessee will host the annual Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, which is one of the most popular live music events in the country. Since 2002, the four-day, multi-stage event has featured a diverse assortment of performers and musical styles on a 700-acre Middle Tennessee farm that for several days in June becomes the temporary home for thousands of people from all over the country. As in years past, over 80,000 music lovers are expected to attend the 2016 Bonnaroo festival, which kicks off Thursday night, June 9, and winds down Sunday night, June 12.
With 80,000 festivalgoers converging on the festival site, the area in and around Manchester always sees increased traffic throughout the festival. As Manchester prepares to welcome a multitude of visitors, the Tennessee Department of Transportation and Tennessee Highway Patrol are gearing up for the extra traffic expected in the area. TDOT and the THP are working closely with the Manchester Police Department, the Coffee County Sheriff’s Department and festival promoters to keep traffic moving on I-24 while also getting Bonnaroo attendees to their destination.
“TDOT has once again coordinated with our partners at THP and other agencies to ensure safe, efficient travel during the Bonnaroo festival,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “The main objective is to keep through traffic moving smoothly on I-24 while getting festivalgoers safely into and out of the Bonnaroo site. Because of advance planning, we feel certain that we can successfully minimize traffic delays throughout the weekend.”
This year, Bonnaroo will officially open all its gates on Wednesday evening June 8 at 8:00 p.m. CDT to allow more time for vehicles to enter the campgrounds. State Troopers will be on-the-job 24 hours a day, beginning Thursday evening, patrolling on the ground and by air.
“The Tennessee Highway patrol is committed to reducing crashes and saving lives on Tennessee roadways”, Colonel Tracy Trott said. “Our troopers will take a zero tolerance approach as they enforce the laws during this event. We believe that the efforts of THP along with TDOT and that of all of our partners in public safety are contributing to reducing traffic related incidents and fatalities.”
During Bonnaroo 2015, Troopers logged nearly 6,800 man-hours, worked 23 traffic crashes (0 fatal, 8 injury, and 15 property damage crashes), and wrote 531 citations and issued 38 warnings. A breakdown of all THP-issued citations during last year’s festival period is included in this release.
TDOT HELP units will assist with traffic management during the festival and will aid any motorists who require assistance. In addition to having HELP trucks on-site, TDOT and other agencies will be taking the following steps beginning June 8 through June 13:
* Efforts will be concentrated on keeping I-24 traffic flowing.
* Exit 111 (SR 55) will be used as the main festival exit. Exits 97, 105, 112 (temporary exit on westbound side only), 117 and 127 are alternate exits if congestion occurs on the interstate.
* TDOT maintenance units will be posted throughout the festival region, and maintenance personnel will be on call all weekend.
* TDOT will provide variable message signs to warn drivers of delays.
* There will be no construction-related lane closures on I-24 near the Bonnaroo festival area between 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 8 through 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13.
* Median crossovers will be guarded to prevent motorists from parking in the crossovers and blocking emergency vehicles.
* Festival traffic will be kept in the right lane and/or on the shoulder of the interstate, allowing through traffic to utilize the left travel lane unimpeded.
* Emergency vehicles will use county roads that will be kept at low volume.
* Bonnaroo promoters issued early news releases to the trucking industry and other sources to alert the traveling public to festival times, location, and alternate routes.
* Temporary communication towers are in place to improve emergency communications.
During the festival, motorists should call 511 from any mobile or land line phone for traffic updates or visit the TDOT website at www.tn.gov/tdot where they can also find information on alternate routes. From your desktop or mobile device, get the latest traffic information and live streaming SmartWay traffic cameras at www.TNSmartWay.com/Traffic. TDOT is also on Twitter. For statewide traffic tweets follow TN511 or for regional traffic information follow Nashville511, Chattanooga511, Memphis511 and Knoxville511.
Also, drivers should keep in mind that if they need the assistance of a state trooper while traveling anywhere in Tennessee, they can simply dial *THP (*847) from their cell phone. They will be automatically connected to the nearest THP dispatch office and the operator will send a state trooper to their location.
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