Blue Angels Cancel At MTSU And Smyrna


The Blue Angels have cancelled their appearance at MTSU today after yesterday’s crash. The following is a statement from

“MTSU sends its condolences to the U.S. Navy Blue Angels following Thursday’s tragic loss of Marine Capt. Jeff Kuss. Friday’s lecture by the Blue Angels on the MTSU campus has been cancelled.

However, representatives from the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team are still scheduled to appear. The Raptor team’s presentation, free and open to the public, will begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday in the State Farm Lecture Room of the Business and Aerospace Building.

Off-campus visitors should go to for important parking information and should allow at least 15-20 minutes to obtain a visitor permit.”

The Great Tennessee Air Show will go on, just without the Blue Angels. A statement from The Great American Air Show is as follows:

“The Great Tennessee Air Show will proceed as scheduled on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5.

“Our hearts are deeply saddened by today’s tragic and devastating accident,” said John Black, Executive Director of the Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport. “Show management has discussed the relative advantages and disadvantages of continuing the show. After close consultation with the Blue Angels, regulatory officials and the performers, we have made the decision to carry on with this weekend’s show.”

Due to today’s incident, the Blue Angels will not be performing this weekend.

For additional information, please visit ”

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