Back in the Day K Takes Place August 24


The Back in the Day K is a 70’s themed 15K run and 5K walk/run. This crazy fun event is coming your way August 24, so get out your sweatbands, leotards, knee-high tube socks, and anything else that is way, way back in your closet. The 5K and 15K certified courses take full advantage of the picturesque setting along the Stone’s River Greenway at Kohl’s Trail Head. The 15K run starts at 6:30 a.m. and the 5K run/walk is at 7:00 a.m. Families, including dogs, are welcome! In fact, this event benefits Agape Animal Rescue. What better way to make a difference than to rescue man’s best friend and change the life of a family and a dog forever.

Event Details:

WHAT: 15K Run and 5K Run/Walk
WHERE: Stones River Greenway at Kohl’s Trail-head, 2330 Jackson Downs Blvd
WHEN: August 24
5:45am – on-site registration opens
6:30am – 15K Run
7:00am – 5K Run/Walk
COST: 5K – $37.75, ​15K – $48

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