2023 Tornado Season Goes Into Full Effect


April 1st, 2023 looks to begin the busiest month for tornadoes historically in Middle Tennessee. March has already seen 3 tornadoes this year, according to the NWS.

2022 was an anomaly for all of Tennessee with only 5 tornadoes of which only 1 hit Middle Tennessee. Generally, we have double-digit tornadoes for a year. Case in point –  in 2021 Middle Tennessee saw 46 of the 67 tornadoes that struck Tennessee.

Tennessee has 2 tornado seasons: Mar-May and Mid- October thru November historically. Not saying that the occasional tornado doesn’t strike outside of those times; it’s just when we see the most.

With the forecast this Friday into Saturday morning starting to lean towards a severe outlook, we thought it might be good to remind you of a few things:

  • For your Close To Home weather page including live radar, forecasts, watches and warnings find your county here.
  • If you haven’t done so already, get your weather radio and check the batteries in it. Alexa, TVs, computers, etc. are great unless the power goes out.
  • Make sure your family has an emergency plan. Where to go, how to protect yourself. Interior closets and bathrooms are havens for those with no storm shelters or basements.
  • Stock up on bottled water, canned foods, and baby supplies. If a tornado hits your area these are items that will be hard to find.
  • Have an emergency cash fund. If a tornado hits your area, banks and ATMs, gas stations, and more will be affected. Cash is king in these situations.
  • Check your first aid kit and make sure it is up-to-date and fully stocked.
  • Dogs get generally stressed during the stormy months, especially those indoors. A thunder shirt or a secure place for them is a good way to keep your pet from stressing out during storms.

Mostly, don’t let the weather forecasts stress you out. Spring should be a time of joy after a long winter. Forecasts are constantly changing, especially in Spring. No need to be stressed, just be aware and have a plan in place.

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