10 Things to Do with the Kids Over Spring Break


The time is drawing near for Spring Break. It means parents will be looking for ideas on what to do to keep their kids entertained for a week. Check out our 10 suggestions, which can all be found in Rutherford County.

Turn Their Artist On

Faithful Strokes and Painting with a Twist are both offering painting classes with subjects that will appeal to kids. Painting with a Twist offers a class just for kids on March 27 and Rainbow Sparkle on March 29.

Faithful Strokes: faithfulstrokes.com/murfreesboro/
Painting with a Twist: paintingwithatwist.com/studio/murfreesboro/calendar

Introduce Them to Theater

Springhouse Theater is doing The Curious Savage, which is a little bit comedy, and a little bit mystery, and a whole lot of family shenanigans. Murfreesboro Little Theater will be offering a theater camp to help kids learn the art and skill of improvisation and improv techniques, plus method acting and other theatrical theories.

Springhouse Theater: springhousetheatre.com/current-season
Murfressboro Little Theater: mltarts.com/spring-break-camp

Get the Ball Rolling

There are many kinds of rolling. Rolling a ball or rolling on a roller skate ball. Roll at Skate Center; Stars and Strikes; Smyrna Bowling Center; Strike and Spare; and Lanes, Trains, and Automobiles. And after you roll, have a bite to eat or play some games.

Skatecenter Murfreesboro: web.rollerskating.com/Bounce-Houses/Skatecenter-Murfreesboro-10332
Stars and Strikes: starsandstrikes.com/locations/smyrna
Smyrna Bowling Center: smyrnabowling.com
Murfreesboro Strike and Spare Family Center: murfreesboro.strikeandspare.com
Lanes, Trains, and Automobiles: ltadepot.com

Escape with Them

Join the escape room phenom. Work together as a family to get out. There are four escape rooms in the Boro: 60 Minute Escape, Locked, Murfreesboro Escape Rooms, and Escape Point.

60 Minute Escape: 60minuteescape.com
Locked: lockedgames.com
Murfreesboro Escape Rooms: murfreesboroescaperooms.com
Escape Point: theescapepoint.com

Send Them to Camp

Discovery Center and Curious Kitchen will be offering camps during the week of Spring Break. Discovery Center will be offering a series of activities all tied to the science of books, like the book Iggy Peck, Architect and the science of magic in Harry Potter. Curious Kitchen will offer a two-day camp on March 28 and March 29. Participants will learn about the basics of the kitchen from knife usage to working with a recipe to measuring. They will also get to make some great comfort foods.

Discovery Center: explorethedc.org/camps
Curious Kitchen: thecuriouskitchen.net/calendar

Take Them for a Ride

Murfreesboro Bike Club is having their season kick-off ride on March 30. Or take a family ride on the Greenway. If your kids are into mountain biking, there are three trails nearby: Cane Ridge, Jones Mill, and Twin Fork Recreation Area.

Murfreesboro Bike Club: mborobike.com/calendar-node-field-ride-date/month/2019-03

Show Them Some History

Rutherford County is steeped in history, especially Civil War history. Many of the early families have decedents who are still involved in moving the county forward. Oaklands Mansion, Sam Davis Home and Bradley Academy are rich in history. The Battlefield offers history and exercise if you walk or bike ride down the road. And then there is newer history – like Nissan bringing so many new companies to the area. They have a great tour that kids love!

Oaklands Mansion: oaklandsmansion.org
Sam Davis Home: samdavishome.org
Stones River Battlefield: nps.gov/stri/index.htm
Bradley Academy: murfreesborotn.gov/874/Bradley-Academy-Museum-and-Cultural-Cent
Nissan: nissan-tennessee.com/en/visit-nissan-smyrna

Explore Nature

Barfield Wilderness Center offers an assortment of kid’s activities. According to their website, “Animal Encounters is a FREE program that takes place each Saturday at 1:30 p.m. during the months of March through May and July through November.” And Wild Thing is for children ages one to four. It is an ongoing program that provides an opportunity for pre-kindergarteners to learn about the natural world.

Barfield Wilderness Center: murfreesborotn.gov/176/Wilderness-Station

Go for a Swim

Swimming is a fun and healthy activity. Both Patterson Park and SportsCom have indoor pools, with Patterson Park having an indoor slide. If your child doesn’t know how to swim, the place to go is Beyond Aquatics.

Patterson Park: murfreesborotn.gov/582/Patterson-Park-Indoor-Water-Park
SportsCom: murfreesborotn.gov/584/SportsCom-Indoor-Pool
Beyond Aquatics: beyondaquatics.com/swim-lessons

Keep Them Learning

There are all kinds of opportunities to learn at the new Tech Engagement Center. They offer an assortment of classes, activities, and computers to use.

Technology Engagement Center: rclstn.org/technology-engagement-center-tec-0

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